La "BENELUX VERSUS LEAGUE" est une ligue officielle organisée en partenariat avec l'éditeur "SNK" et "TARMAC GAMING" qui confrontent les joueurs du Benelux (Belgique, Pays-Bas et Luxembourg) tous les jeudis à partir de 19h00.
Pour vous inscrire à la prochaine édition, rendez-vous sur l'onglet "inscription BENELUX VERSUS LEAGUE".
The "BENELUX VERSUS LEAGUE" is an official league organized in partnership with the publisher "SNK" and "TARMAC GAMING" which confront players from the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) every Thursday from 7:00 pm. To register for the next edition, go to the "BENELUX VERSUS LEAGUE registration" tab.
Pour vous inscrire à la prochaine édition, rendez-vous sur l'onglet "inscription BENELUX VERSUS LEAGUE".
The "BENELUX VERSUS LEAGUE" is an official league organized in partnership with the publisher "SNK" and "TARMAC GAMING" which confront players from the Benelux (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) every Thursday from 7:00 pm. To register for the next edition, go to the "BENELUX VERSUS LEAGUE registration" tab.